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Kamis, 29 September 2011

Elegi Wawancara Orang Tua Berambut Putih

By Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
The psychological aspect that found, Reviewed by: Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

From this elegy, I can conclude that elegy is a difficult song. Elegy is one of the ways that Mr. Marsigit use to communicate philosophy without say nothing of philosophy word because when some people think that philosophy is difficult and had no use moreover deviate. With the elegy, Mr. Marsigit wants to show that philosophy is closer to us, moreover philosophy is our self, and philosophy is have many benefit and near to our daily life. The challenge to philosopher is how to explain the philosophy with the easy word. Elegy appears because of requirement. Elegy is made as a media to learn to discuss about all that exist and maybe exist. So the student of mathematics need to discuss all about mathematics that exist and maybe exist. And as a teacher, so it need to have ability to discuss about all that exist and maybe exist.


Selasa, 27 September 2011

The Effort to Increase the Student’s Motivation in Mathematics Learning with Some Teaching Aids in Junior High School 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

by Dr. Marsigit
unsur - unsur yang terkandung, direview oleh Dian Permatasari 
NIM/ Prodi : 10313244018/ International Mathematics Education

Makalah ini berisi tentang hasil penelitian Mr. Marsigit dan Mrs. Ida, yang dilakukan di SMP 5 Wates, merupakan suatu penelitian tindakan kelas yang bertujuan mengatasi masalah – masalah yang ada dalam kelas, seperti masalah motivasi siswa dan penyebabnya. Keberhasilan dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika tidak bisa terlepas dan peran guru sebagai informator, komunikator, dan fasilitator. Metode yang digunakan guru pun berperan dalam interaksi antara guru, siswa, dan prestasi siswa. Sampai sekarang, masih terdengar siswa yang takut, tidak tertarik, sulit dikerjakan dan tidak berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari – hari. Hal itu bisa dilihat dari hasil Ujian Akhir Nasional yang masih kurang dan harapan, tetapi ada pula siswa yang suka metematika dan memperlihatkan prestasi yang membanggakan. Menurut penelitian yang dilakukan Mr. Marsigit, salah satu upaya guru untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa di SMP khususnya SMP 5 Wates, dimana Mr. Marsigit dan Mrs. Ida melakukan penelitian, adalah dengan membuat pembelajaran metematika menjadi menyenangkan, menarik dan berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari – hari. Karena siswa SMP yang berusia 12 – 15 tahun, berdasarkan teori kognitif dari Peaget, usia ini masih dalam tahap operasi formal yaitu membandingkan, mendiskusikan, dan membuat kesimpulan. Dalam tahap ini, ada tahap perubahan fungsi intelektual dari pemikiran konkret menuju ke abstrak, maka dari itu siswa mmebutuhkan alat peraga yang mampu membantu proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan Mr. Marsigit dan Mrs. Ida dengan alat peraga yang digunakan berupa papan berpaku, karet, kartu, lembar kerja siswa, kertas transparan, benang, kayu yang digunakan sebagai model matematika, ternyata mampu untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar. Dari hasil tersebut, peneliti menyarankan agar guru matematika khususnya untuk SMP hendaknya menggunakan metode yang bervariasi untuk memotivasi siswa, menghindarkan siswa dari kebosanan, dan selalu menggunakan alat peraga untuk menjelaskan tentang konsep, ide, definisi, dan prosedur dalam matematika. http://staff.uny.ac.id/


by Dr. Marsigit
the psychological aspect that found, reviewed by Dian Permatasari 
NIM/ Prodi : 10313244018/ International Mathematics Education

It isn’t easy to manage learning process because we meet that sometimes the student get difficulty in their learning. (Jaworski, 1994: 83). Because of that, he explain that there are no right method to teach and it isn’t easy to change our teaching style (Dean, 1982:32). Meanwhile we are prosecuted as a teacher to adapt with epoch development. There are 2 the pole of view about teaching style: traditional – progressive; authoritative – democratic; classical – individual; transfer knowledge – cognitive development; structured – unstructured; teacher centered – student centered; teacher directed – student initiative; dependent – independent; and result oriented – process orientedLeaning that based in competency (curriculum 2004) now is become alternative to hold learning that emphasize to ability that should be had by the graduate. The important thing from curriculum that based on competency is on development of the first hand learning experiences, contextual teaching and learning (CT & L), meaningful teaching, with notice to life skill, both in generic skill (personal ability, social ability, academic ability and skill ability). All competency that is developed is appraised with valuation principle not only in memory level but also in application. In order to the teacher to create the learning innovation to motivate student learning, there are some concept that must be understood and it covers of understanding about the nature of knowledge in each sector, the nature of education subjects, and the change of attitude and implementation that to be related to the paradigm changing. Nowadays, education based on competency is become the alternative to conduct learning which is emphasizing on the ability that satisfy criteria for graduation. The competency base is expanding by elaborating the principle of standard competency become basic skills. According to Mr. Marsigit’s paper, there are 3 kind of basic skills : 1. Cognitive aspects developmentEbbutt and Straker give a view that to develop the student’s potential, the assumption about the education’s subject characteristic and implication to mathematics learning, as follows:e. Student will learn mathematics if they have motivationf. Student learn mathematics with their methodg. Student learn mathematics individually or in collaboration in grouph. Student need context and different situation in mathematics learning2. Hierarchy of affective aspects3. Psychomotorics aspects developmentIn order to students feel happy and have motivation on learning, the teacher must change the paradigm as follows: MOVE, CHANGE, INOVATION, REFORMTION, CONTEMPLATE, REFLECTIONfrom “TRADITIONAL LEARNING” to “PROGRESIVE LEARNING”http://staff.uny.ac.id/


By Dr. Marsigit
unsur - unsur yang terkandung, reviewed by Dian Permatasari 
NIM/ Prodi : 10313244018/ International Mathematics Education

In this Mr. Marsigit’s paper that have a title Asumsi Dasar Karakteristik Matematika, Subyek Didik dan Belajar Matematika Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi Di SMP, he tell us about GOVERNMENT’S POLICY about “KURIKULUM BERBASIS KOMPETENSI” that need to study a much deeper and comprehensive for fill the suitable condition. This policy need participation from all people that concerned with give some advice and comment. Teach about mathematics isn’t easy because many student have some problem to learn mathematics, so we need innovation, Ebbutt and Straker is defined school mathematics 1. Mathematics as investigation pattern and relationship.2. Mathematics as creativity that need imagination, intuition, and invention3. Mathematics as problem solving4. Mathematics as communication mediaAccording to Mr. Marsigit there are 3 characteristics of student:1. Cognitive aspects developmentEbbutt and Straker give a view that to develop the student’s potential, the assumption about the education’s subject characteristic and implication to mathematics learning, as follows:a. Student will learn mathematics if they have motivationb. Student learn mathematics with their methodc. Student learn mathematics individually or in collaboration in groupd. Student need context and different situation in mathematics learning2. Hierarchy of affective aspects3. Psychomotorics aspects developmentTo reach the capability, the teacher needs to observe the context and the application in daily life. Experiences and activities in study are something that student must do to get basic competency and lesson material. Experiences can be gotten in everywhere and it must be support with lesson references, directly or indirectly object. Therefore, the education’s strategies that are developed have characteristic, as follow: 1. Intense in problem solving 2. Learn many context in daily life3. Encourage students as active learners4. Appreciate the unique of students and intense with diversity of the students5. Learn by cooperative learning6. Developing assessmentThe development of experiences and learning activity is essence from mathematics curriculum that based on competency that includes the mathematics characteristics, education subject, and learning mathematics.Source : http://staff.uny.ac.id


By Dr. Marsigit
UNSUR _ UNSUR YANG TERKANDUNG, reviewed by Dian Permatasari 
NIM/ Prodi : 10313244018/ International Mathematics Education

Based in Mr. Marsigit’s research (1995, 1997, 1999, 2002) show that most of mathematics teacher still using traditional mathematics learning, that is, learn mathematics by single expository method with cycle: explain, giving example, asking question, and giving a flexible task. With this method, so mathematics teacher get a difficulty in 1) Serving the student’s need; 2) Motivate the student that have low achievement to increase the achievement; 3) Motivate the student to learn actively; 4) Use and develop the mathematics model; 5) Motivate the student with work in group. Action research is to develop mathematics learning method that can fill requirement with all student academic, increase the student achievement, motivate the student to learn actively, develop the media, and motivate to collaboration.By using class action research, five teacher’s problem can be solved by: 1) Developing students work sheet; 2) Making group study; 3) Developing discussion method; 4) Developing model and media method. And researcher also summarize that there are some point in teacher’s effort on developing model study: (1) Teacher still find some difficulties on fulfill student’s academic need; (2) Teacher haven’t developed motivation for low achievement students to increase his achievement scheme; (3) Teacher succeed to motivated students become active learner, but still hard to develop the scheme; (4) Teacher succeed to motivated students to work in a team, but still hard to develop the scheme; (5) Teacher has tried to develop discussion, problem solving, and exercise method; but still hard to develop the scheme; (6) Generally, teacher has tried to develop learning method based on the aim on class act research; but they find difficulties on technique, academic, and fundamental.source: http://staff.uny.ac.id/dosen/marsigit-dr-ma


By Dr. Marsigit
Reviewed by : Dian Permatasari
NIM/ Prodi : 10313244018/ International Mathematics Education

Makalah ini berisi tentang pendekatan realistik yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran tentang pecahan di SMP dengan menggunakan Lesson Study.
Matematika di SMP berfungsi untuk mendorong siswa berpikir logis, analitis, sistematis, kritis, kreatif dan dapat berkolaborasi dengan orang lain. Para siswa perlu mengembangkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah baik masalah tertutup atau terbuka. Dalam memecahkan masalah, siswa perlu kreatif untuk mengembangkan cara dan alternatif pemecahan masalah, mengembangkan model matematika, dan untuk memperkirakan hasilnya. Pendekatan kontekstual dan realistis disarankan untuk dikembangkan guru untuk mendorong mathematical thinking di sekolah dasar. Dengan pendekatan ini, diharapkan siswa selangkah demi selangkah belajar dan menguasai matematika dengan antusias.
Matematika harus dekat dengan anak – anak dan sesuai dengan kehidupan sehari – hari. Namun, kata realistik itu tidak hanya berarti berhubungan dengan dunia nyata tapi juga dengan masalah yang ada di dalam pikiran siswa. Pendidikan matematika yang diselenggarakan sebagai suatu proses penemuan yang terarah, dimana siswa dapat mengalami proses yang sama dengan proses penemuan matematika.
Meskipun, model iceberg membantu siswa untuk membangun konsep pecahan mereka sendiri, tetapi siswa masih kesulitan untuk memecahkan masalah secara simbolis. Namun, mereka menyelesaikan masalah yang serupa dengan konteks situasi dunia nyata. Banyak dari guru yang mengakui bahwa representasi pecahan adalah hal yang sangat abstrak dan sulit bagi siswa. Sementara itu, mereka juga menemukan bahwa model iceberg adalah pendekatan yang sangat berguna dan pentinga dalam pembelajaran pecahan pada siswa SMP. 
source: http://staff.uny.ac.id/dosen/marsigit-dr-ma

Minggu, 04 September 2011

Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 6: Apakah Matematika itu Ilmu?

By Marsigit
The psychological aspect that found
By Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

The following elegy still have related with intuition. ‘Is Mathematics is Science?’ this question is from Immanuel Kant, and he answers the question in his book "Critic of Pure Reason.” 
According to Kant, mathematics can be science but can no. mathematics will be science if it builds in above the intuition. The nature of intuition is space and time. So mathematics will be science if build in above space and time. Because of mathematics as science must be built in space and time intuition. So at the end, Kant have a conclusion that ‘Mathematics will be science if it have synthetic priori characteristics. Pure Logic is viewed just as A Priori and not Synthetic, because of Pure Logic have analytic characteristic.
Thereby according to Kant, Pure Logic is not science. Because Pure Logic is not science, it is not give information anything except about consistent that in itself. 


Elegi Menggapai Ontologi dan Epistemologi Jawa: Hubungan subyek predikat dalam Serat Sastra Gending

By Marsigit
The psychological aspect that found
By Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

The ontology is to answer the nature. Serat Gending is the creation of Sultan Agung in Mataram (1613-1645). Damarjadi Supajar uncover that this creation contain the value of the high of philosophy. In this elegy, Mr. Marsigit just focus in the little part the content of serat Sastra Gending that show there are a thought about the ontology and epistemology of the relation about the subject and predicate. The relation about the subject and predicate is collateral with the thought of Immanuel Kant (1724-1802) that the end produce the analytic and synthetic thought process.
in below is the relation about the subject and predicate in Serat Sastra Gending  (Damarjati Supajar, 2001):
1.       If the subject is DZAT, so the predicate is SIFAT
2.       If the subject is RASA, so the predicate is PANGRASA. If the subject is CIPTA, so the predicate is RIPTA. If the subject is YANG DISEMBAH, so the predicate is YANG MENYEMBAH
3.       If the subject is KODRAT, so the predicate is IRADAT. If the subject is YANG KADIM, so the predicate is YANG BARU, if the subject is SASTRA, so the predicate is GENDING, if the subject is YANG DISEMBAH, so the predicate is YANG MENYEMBAH, If the subject is RASA, so the predicate is PANGRASA.
4.       If the subject is YANG BERCERMIN, so the predicate is BAYANGANNYA.
5.       If the subject is SUARA, so the predicate is GEMA. If the subject is LAUTAN, so the predicate is IKANNYA
6.       If the subject is PRADANGGA, so the predicate is GENDING
7.       If the subject is PAPAN TULIS, so the predicate is TULISANNYA, If the subject is YANG DISEMBAH, so the predicate is YANG MENYEMBAH
8.       If the subject is MANIKMAYA, so the predicate is BATARA GURU
9.       If the subject is WISNU, so the predicate is KRESNA

Elegi Menggapai "Foundation of Mathematics Education: The Guru of Ernest"

Oleh Marsigit
Aspek Psikologi Yang Terkandung, Direview oleh Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

Pondasi dari matematika adalah menyelidiki keadaan dan dasar dari pendidikan matematika. Paul Ernest (1994) mempunyai beberapa pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan pondasi pendidikan matematika yaitu sebagai berikut :
Apa dasar dari pendidikan matematika sebagai ladang pengetahuan? Apakah pendidikan matematika adalah sebuah disiplin, ladang untuk penyelidikan, area antar cabang ilmu pengetahuan, asal dari aplikasi ilmu, atau apa? Apa hubungannya dengan ilmu yang lain, seperti filsafat, sosiologi, psikologi, lingustik, dll? Bagaimana kita beranjak mengetahui dalam pendidikan matematika? Apa dasar dari tuntutan pengetahuan di dalam penelitian pendidikan matematika? Apa metode penelitian dan metodologi yang digunakan dan apa filosofi dari dasar dan keadaan? Bagaimana komunitas peneliti pendidikan matematika menilai tuntutan pengetahuan?  Bagaimana standar tersebut diaplikasikan? Apa peran dan fungsi dari peneliti dalam pendidikan matematika? Apa keadaan dari teori  dalam pendidikan matematika? Apakah kita menyediakan teori dan konsep dari ilmu lain atau tumbuh dengan sendirinya? Bagaimana mempunyai pengembangan yang modern dalam filsafat (struktur tonggak, struktur modern,  ilmu menerjemahkan, semiotics, dll) berdampak pada pendidikan matematika? Apa pengaruh dari penelitian dalam pendidikan matematika atau ilmu lain? Dapatkan filsafat pendidikan matematika mempunyai banyak pengaruh dalam praktik belajar mengajar, dalam penelitian pendidikan matematika, atau dalam ilmu lainnya?
Itu boleh muncul dalam pondasi pendidikan matematika yang menjalankan pembenaran dari keadaan dan dasar dari pendidikan matematika dalam kasus ontologi, epistemologi, dan axiologi. Oleh sebab itu, kita akan belajar tentang dasar ontologi dari pendidikan matematika, dasar epistemologi dari pendidikan matematika, dan dasar axiologi dari pendidikan matematika, atau kombinasi dari dua atau ketiganya