By Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
The psychological aspect that found, Reviewed by: Dian Permatasari (10313244018)
From this elegy, I can conclude that elegy is a difficult song. Elegy is one of the ways that Mr. Marsigit use to communicate philosophy without say nothing of philosophy word because when some people think that philosophy is difficult and had no use moreover deviate. With the elegy, Mr. Marsigit wants to show that philosophy is closer to us, moreover philosophy is our self, and philosophy is have many benefit and near to our daily life. The challenge to philosopher is how to explain the philosophy with the easy word. Elegy appears because of requirement. Elegy is made as a media to learn to discuss about all that exist and maybe exist. So the student of mathematics need to discuss all about mathematics that exist and maybe exist. And as a teacher, so it need to have ability to discuss about all that exist and maybe exist.