By Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
The psychological aspect that found, Reviewed by: Dian Permatasari (10313244018)
Process standard for the unit of basic study and middle study is contain of :

A. Syllabi
Syllabi is a reference for RPP development that contain an identity of lesson or lesson theme, SK, KD, learning material, learning activity, attainment indicator, competence, valuation, time allocation and reference.
B. RPP or Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
RPP is explained from syllabi to direct the student learning activity in effort to get KD (basic competence)
Every teacher in learning unit have obligation to arrange RPP fully and systematically so the learning can be going on with interactive, inspire, enjoy, challenge, , and can motivate the student to participate actively, and give a space to develop the creativity, and autonomous appropriate with the skill, interest, and physic and psychology development of student.
C. The principle to arrange the RPP
1. Pay attention with the student individual difference
2. Support the participate of the student
3. Develop the reading and writing culture
4. Give a feedback and follow up
5. Dependability nd cohesiveness
6. Apply the information technology
D. Learning plan
Learning plan is implementation of RPP
Learning plan is contain of introduction, core activity, and closing.
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