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Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011


Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, M. A.
Unsur  -unsur psikologi yang terkandung, direview oleh Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

Praktik mengajar matematika yang baik berbentuk konteks yang berbeda melalui VTR (video tape recdorder) mendorong dan memotivasi guru untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mengajar mereka. Dalam beberapa bagian dari kegiatan program pengembangan guru profesional di Indonesia, tahun 2002 - 2005, refleksi melalui VTR konteks Jepang praktik mengajar (Guru: Saito, Kazuya; Sekolah: Sekolah Dasar Ookayama, kota Yokohama ) yang menghasilkan persepsi guru bahwa itu adalah model mengajarkan matematika yang baik yang mungkin dapat diterapkan di Indonesia. Ada beberapa manfaat dari VTR,yaitu :
1.       Ringkasan pendek dari pelajaran dengan penekanan pada masalah-masalah utama dalam pelajaran.
2.       Komponen pelajaran dan utama kejadian di kelas.
3.       kemungkinan masalah untuk diskusi dan refleksi dengan guru mengamati
pelajaran (Isoda, M., 2006).
Secara umum, kegiatan yang merefleksikan konteks Jepang mengajar matematika melalui VTR pada program pelatihan dianggap sebagai yang baik dan berguna oleh guru. Mereka merasa bahwa ajaran tercermin dalam VTR adalah model yang baik yang juga dapat diimplementasikan dalam konteks Indonesia. Namun, tidak mudah untuk menerapkannya. Ada beberapa kendala yang datang dari: rencana pelajaran, 'lembar kerja, guru siswa kompetensi, kesiapan siswa, fasilitas pendidikan dan peralatan, mengajar metodologi, alokasi waktu, jumlah siswa dan penganggaran. Guru perlu untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mengajar dan kompetensi isi pengajaran dan meningkatkan kompetensi dalam menyiapkan rencana pelajaran dan menghasilkan lembar kerja siswa. Menurut guru, sebagian besar siswa tidak siap atau tidak mampu menyajikan ide-ide mereka, melainkan membutuhkan waktu bagi mereka untuk membiasakan untuk melakukan itu. Sebagian besar sekolah memiliki keterbatasan fasilitas pendidikan dan guru harus mampu mengembangkan media pengajaran. Para guru berharap bahwa sekolah-sekolah dan pemerintah mendukung pengembangan profesional mereka termasuk kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pelatihan dan berpartisipasi konferensi.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011


By Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
The psychological aspect that found, Reviewed by: Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

Strategies and applications is a task that need a deep and comprehensive to fill the expediency condition. The dinamic of the Developing our country, Indonesia, prosecute that the curriculum development must pay attention : current issues in education, issues that arise in the field, variations in school, educational personnel, interests and abilities of students, as well as the demands of social development, science and technology. 
Competency-based mathematics education is a suppression of ability to be possessed by graduates, so the curriculum was developed based on the elaboration of standards of competence. Standard of competence is an ability that can be performed or displayed in learning mathematics, while the basic skills are minimal ability in mathematics courses that must be possessed by students. Basic skills can be affective abilities, cognitive and psychomotor. This is a material formulation that be appropriate with the basic ability and standard competence :
Basic ability
Learning material
Learning axperience
Solve the problem addition and multiplication in matrix
·         Matrix concept
·         Matrix symbol
·         Algorithm of addition and multiplication of matrix
·         Solve the real problem in a mathematic symbol, that can be shown the matrix symbol
·         Solve the real problem with use matrix

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Elegi Menggapai Ada

By Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
The psychological aspect that found, Reviewed by: Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

From the elegy, I can make a summary about EXIST. There are two kind of exist, the first if it is on mind and out mind. In mind, so the problem is how to explain your exist to the people. Out mind, so the problem is how to understand exist.  of there
Something exist of it is real, and it called real if the old fellow with the white hair can show your total, few or many of equal. Exist is if the old fellow with the white hair can show your member, your element, your content, your benefit, your song, your rule, your dream, your achievement, etc. The old fellow with the white hair have many way to know about your exist. Moreover, something is called not exist if the old fellow with the white hair cannot tell that you are exist or not. But if the old fellow with the white hair can tell that you are on mind, so you are exist.


Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator: Studi Kasus Penggunaan Kalkulator Texas Instrument TI 89 pada PBM Matematika di SMK Muhammadiyah IV Yogyakarta

By Dr. Marsigit, MA and Retno Siswanto, S.Pd
The psychological aspect that found
, Reviewed by: Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

The using calculator in mathematics learning is an ordinary thing in this era for everyone in elementary school until university. So, many research shown and explain about the calculator. There are two types of calculator by its utility, common calculator and scientific calculator. The common calculator usualy used in daily life.
The research was held in SMK Muhammadiyah IV Yogyakarta on February 2003 to get the describtion about the using calculator in mathematics teaching learning process. The reseacher gave the introduction about using calculator before the research was held. The graphics calculator is used to solve the linear equations and non-equations.
There are four steps to using graphics calculator in mathematics teaching learning activity. First step is to understand the importance of graphics calculator. Second step is to understand the theory and how to use the calculator to solve the the questions about linear equations and non-equations. Next step is to input data of the question in to the calculator. It will be prosessed to change the mathematics language to become the language of calculator. The last step is to construe the output that appeared in the monitor and get the conclusion.
The obstacle of using grapics calculator is the students be in trouble to translate the mathematical sentences in to the language of calculator. Also on other way, the students hard to explain the output of calculator in to the mathematical sentences.
By using the graphics calculator, mathematics teaching learning process in linear equations and non-equations topic will be more easier and fun than before. If the using of calculator is not balanced by conseption the procedure of operation and mathematical thinking, so it will be caused the dependence, lost of student’s confident and indolent to think

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


By Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
The psychological aspect that found, Reviewed by: Dian Permatasari (10313244018)
Process standard for the unit of basic study and middle study is contain of  :
*      The plan of learning process
*      The implementation of learning process
*      The evaluation of the result of study
*      The monitoring of learning process
A.      Syllabi
Syllabi is a reference for RPP development that contain an identity of lesson or lesson theme, SK, KD, learning material, learning activity, attainment indicator, competence, valuation, time allocation and reference. 
B.      RPP or Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
RPP is explained from syllabi to direct the student learning activity in effort to get KD (basic competence)
Every teacher in learning unit have obligation to arrange RPP fully and systematically so the learning can be going on with interactive, inspire,  enjoy, challenge, , and can motivate the student to participate actively, and give a space to develop the creativity, and autonomous appropriate with the skill, interest, and physic and psychology development  of student.
C.      The principle to arrange the RPP
1.       Pay attention with the student individual difference
2.       Support the participate of the student
3.       Develop the reading and writing culture
4.       Give a feedback and follow up
5.       Dependability nd cohesiveness
6.       Apply the information technology
D.      Learning plan
Learning plan is implementation of RPP
Learning plan is contain of introduction,  core activity, and closing.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Memanfaatkan Microsoft word 2007 sebagai media pembelajaran geometri di SMP

By Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
The psychological aspect that found, Reviewed by: Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

Using Microsoft word 2007 is a good way for learning geometry in the junior high school.
Microsoft word 2007 contain SmartArt Graphic program that can help user to make a wide range of graphic both two-dimensional or three-dimensional.
The basic forms of geometry can be obtained from the menu insert and select submenu “shapes”. The forms of geometry is available in the menu “Basic Shapes”. To draw objects using SmartArt Graphic, click the menu “insert” and then click “SmartArt” . for colour selection we can click “design” and then click “change colour”.
By utilizing the various facilities in Microsot Office 2007 we can develop learning geometry in junior high school. In particular, junior High School competency standards relating to geometric capability can be described as follows :
1.       understand the relationship line to line, line with an angle, corner angle and determine its size
2.       understand the concept of a rectangle and a triangle and determine its size
3.       using Pythagoras theorem in problem solving
4.       determining element of the circle and the circle, and size
5.       understand the properties of the cube, beam, prism, pyramid and its parts, and determine its size
6.       understand “ kesebangunan bangun datar” and its use in problem solving
7.       understand the properties of tubes, cones, spheres, and determine its size

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Elegi Menggapai Ontologi dan Epistemologi Jawa: Mengerti Hidup?

By Marsigit
The psychological aspect that found
By Dian Permatasari (10313244018)

This elegy tells us that there are three powers or aim of the philosophy that can become as media to increase the human life dimension of Java/Indonesia/ East.
1.       The awareness about space and time.
There are many problem happens because of the human still no have awareness to understand the problem of the dimension of space and time. Like in the wayang, in the peak of the show, there are a battle between Batara Kala and Batara Khrisna, then it is won by Batara Khrisna with Cakra as the weapon,its means that bad time can be lost by the good time. From it, we know that Javanese/Indonesia/East country think that awareness about the space and time is so important. Space and Time is the life of myself, with aware it, so they will know the life. So learn about philosophy is learn to aware about space and time.
2.       The analysis have a characteristics intensive and extensive
Think intensive is thinking deeply, and think extensive is thinking broadly. This activity of think can give the ontology’s answer for the human life problem. Think intensive will be illuminate the nature of something with bright of 1000 watt, so there are no think that can be hide because of it. with think extensive, human can be out of the partial thinking, so it will get all of the unity and the unity of all. So with thinking deeply and broadly, it can give sincere for the thinking subject. So learn philosophy is can be said that it is a human effort to get the knowledge.
3.       Ketiga, selalu berusaha menggapai LOGOS dan menggapai BUKAN MITOS.
The real enemy for philosopher is when stop to critical thinking or myth. If we feel that we have been gotten the clear and bright then we don’t want to think again. So, learn philosophy can be call as the effort of person so still can be life and more life.
This is allegoric meaning from the precept of java/Indonesia/East that full with metaphor, that is the precept that hide, so the human need to think it.
